The Open Database Of The Corporate World

CODAN Companies ApS issued an unknown number of shares to Alexandra Husted-Andersen

About Share Parcels

Share parcels are shares issued by a company to other people or companies. When a person or company owns more than 50% of all the issued shares in a company, they are usually said to control that company. Owners with lower percentages can still exert significant influence.

Raw data

Name Alexandra Husted-Andersen
Identifier 4004039153
Percentage Of Shares Max 49.99
Percentage Of Shares Min 33.34
Voting Percentage Max 49.99
Voting Percentage Min 33.34

Where we got this information from

Created By
an OpenCorporates bot
external source
Added On
March 16 2016, 10.46PM - November 16 2017, 8.07AM
Created By
an OpenCorporates bot
external source
very high
Added On
December 22 2017, 1.14PM - January 14 2019, 2.28PM

We think this was true on January 14 2019. We think this happened December 31 2013.

Other versions of this statement

This statement is highlighted in bold. Alterations of this statement are nested beneath it. The version currently used by OpenCorporates is highlighted in red.