The Open Database Of The Corporate World

Mrs Zeba Firdous controls SHAIK UK LIMITED

About Control Statements

A ControlStatement is a declaration by a company or entity about how it is controlled. A company may have multiple entities controlling it (entites may be companies, people or organisations), in which case there will be multiple statements of control, or may have no entity controlling it in which case the statement can detail this fact together with the reasons. The controlling entities will be 'ultimate beneficial owners' if the company is stating that the controlling entities are natural persons who ultimately control the company in some way

Raw data

Control Level unknown
Control Mechanisms
Mechanism Type share_ownership
Mechanism Properties
Exercised Via
Percentage Of Shares
Minimum 25
Maximum 50
Exclusive Minimum true
Exclusive Maximum false
Source Description The person holds, directly or indirectly, more than 25% but not more than 50% of the shares in the company.
Mechanism Type voting_rights
Mechanism Properties
Exercised Via
Voting Percentage
Minimum 25
Maximum 50
Exclusive Minimum true
Exclusive Maximum false
Source Description The person holds, directly or indirectly, more than 25% but not more than 50% of the voting rights in the company.
Controlling Entities
Entity Type person
Entity Properties
Date Of Birth
Month 8
Year 1980
Nationality British
Country Of Residence Wales
Registered Address
Country Wales
Locality Milford Haven
Postal Code SA73 2AA
Street Address 47-49 Charles Street
Name Mrs Zeba Firdous
Other Attributes
Name Parts
Given Name Zeba
Family Name Firdous
Title Mrs
Uid /company/08586456/persons-with-significant-control/individual/xG9ckHZzYP8ME6VT7FZxRQWdeGg
Other Attributes
Etag ceb28f72a070d0c3ea419c74b0085ef66263586d
Ceased On
Notified On 2018-01-01
Subject Entity
Entity Properties
Company Number 08586456
Jurisdiction Code gb
Entity Type company
Uid /company/08586456/persons-with-significant-control/individual/xG9ckHZzYP8ME6VT7FZxRQWdeGg
Ultimate Beneficial Owner true

Where we got this information from

Created By
an OpenCorporates bot
external source
very high
Added On
October 19 2024, 10.56PM

We think this was true on January 1 2018.

Other versions of this statement

This statement is highlighted in bold. Alterations of this statement are nested beneath it. The version currently used by OpenCorporates is highlighted in red.